1) Introduction

This privacy policy provides you with the details on how we collect and process your personal data while you browse through our website www.inoui-editions.com

By providing us with your data, you guarantee that you are over 13 years old.

Inouïtoosh, a sole proprietorship, is responsible for your personal data and its processing (hereinafter referred to as "we", "our" or "ours" in this privacy policy).

Contact information

Full name of legal entity: SAS BOUTIQUE INOUI

Company details:

Address: 21 rue de l'Odéon, 75006 Paris – France. Email: support@inoui-editions.com

In case of any doubts about the privacy policy, you can contact us at any time by sending an email to support@inoui-editions.com.

2) what data do we collect about you and what is the purpose?

We collect information about you when you register or browse through our website:

  • By subscribing to our Newsletter or simply by getting in touch with us, you provide us with your personal data, and we guarantee that your data shall remain confidential, secure and will not be shared with third parties without your prior consent.
  • We use audience monitoring and statistics tools, such as Google Analytics, which collect anonymous information about your website’s use and online services such as your IP address, your connection data, details about your browser, the duration of your sessions on our website, the pages you viewed and the browsing paths.
  • We use marketing tools, such as the Facebook pixel, to send you targeted advertisements on Facebook and its app network.
  • We use cookies so that you can use the website comfortably.

You can find more details about our use of your data in point 4 of this privacy policy.

3) How do we collect the data?

We may collect data about you when you provide the data to us directly (for example by filling out forms on our website or sending us emails). We may automatically collect some data when you use our website, using cookies and similar technologies.

We may receive data from third parties such as web analytics providers like Google LLC based outside the EU, social networks like Facebook based outside the EU, search service providers, such as Google LLC.

4) How do we use your data?

All the information which is collected from you on our website may be used to:

  • Personalize your experience and meet your individual needs
  • Provide personalized advertising content
  • Improve our website
  • Improve customer service and your support requirements
  • Contact you by email
  • Administer a contest, a promotion, or a survey

The purposes, legal bases, and period of processing of personal data are separately specified for each purpose of data processing (see the provisions below for a detailed description of the different purposes of data processing)


On our website, you can subscribe to our Newsletter to receive our free content, promotions or new products which are related to our online activity.

To send our Newsletter, we only use the data that you have provided us with, namely your first name and your e-mail address.

The legal basis to process your personal data in regard to our Newsletter is your consent, which is expressed by selecting the relevant content of the checkbox while registering for the newsletter. You can withdraw your consent at any given time and stop receiving the Newsletter.

The data is processed for the duration of the Newsletter, unless you choose not to receive our Newsletter anymore, in which case we shall delete your data from our database within a period of 30 days.

If at any given time you wish to unsubscribe and no longer receive our emails, you will find an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email we shall send you.

You can also update your profile and the way through which we use the data, which is collected as part of our Newsletter through a link to update your preferences.

Contact form

By contacting us via email, you naturally give us your email address as the sender's address. Moreover, you can also include other personal information in your message or any other fields of our form.

The legal basis for processing personal data in this case is your consent which is triggered when you get in touch with us.

Your personal data which is provided as part of the e-mail contact is processed only to respond to your request. The content of correspondence can be archived.


We stock cookies on your browser:

Mainly those cookies which are specific to Google Analytics that allows us to track the pages you visit only on our website. Through this system, we have access to aggregated data which does not allow us to identify you, but its helps us to get to know you, if our service appeals to you, which pages to improve. You can oppose this cookie deposit by installing this module provided by Google. Not to mention, cookies for Facebook or Google Analytics which allow us to be present once again through advertisements on publicity sites. You can object to these deposits by following the procedures described in these guides: for Facebook, and for Google.

For more details on this, go to point number 8 regarding our use of cookies.

Facebook Pixel

We use Facebook's marketing tools to send you targeted advertising on Facebook and its app network.

To do so, we have implemented a piece of JavaScript code called the Facebook Pixel, in the code of our website. The Facebook Pixel is able to track the pages you visit on our website but also certain actions you may carry out on our website, such as subscribing to our Newsletter.

This allows us to send you remarketing ads on Facebook and its app network.

Statistics and audience ratings

We use cookies to track down statistics of our website, such as the number of visitors, the type of operating system and the browser which is used to browse our website, how long a session may last on our website, the page which are viewed and browsing paths.

We process this data to analyze your use of our website and other online services, to administer and protect our business and our website, but also provide you with relevant content and advertising and also to measure the effectiveness of our online advertisements.

We use Google Analytics in this regard. The information collected which is collected in this area is completely anonymous and doesn’t make you identify yourself.

For this purpose, cookies from Google LLC are used for the Google Analytics service.

Using Google Analytics services means implementing the tracking code in the website’s code. This code is based on cookies but may also use other tracking technologies.

Social networks

We have integrated certain social media features on our website, such as sharing content on social media and subscribing to our social profile.

Using these functions involves the use of cookies through the administrators of social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.


In the case of a contractual relationship with us and when we need to send you an invoice, please note that we also process your personal data which is necessary to issue an invoice.

The legal basis for processing your data in this case is the fulfillment of the legal obligation to issue an invoice.

Moreover, all invoices that are issued are included in the accounting documentation therefore your data will be naturally processed as part of this documentation for the period which is required by law.

5) how long is your data stored?

For users who register on our website (if possible), we store the personal data which has been specified in their profile. All users can view, edit, or delete their personal information at any given time (except their username). Website managers can also see and modify this information.

6) What are your rights in terms of your data?

In accordance with data protection laws (GDPR), you have:

  • The right to request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion, or limitation of processing
  • The right to object the processing
  • The right to transfer your data
  • The right to delete your data
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data for a specific purpose if you have already given this consent 
  • To withdraw your consent in terms of personal data processing, for a specific purpose if you have already given such consent 
  • The right to file a complaint with the supervisory organism related to the processing of your personal data.

Moreover, if you have an account on our website, you can request to receive a file which may contain all the personal data that we have concerning you, this includes those that you may have provided to us.

You can also request to delete the personal data which may concern you.

This does not take into account data which has been stored for administrative, legal or security reasons.

7) How do you we protect your data?

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties. This does not include trusted third parties who shall help us operate our website or conduct our business, as long as these parties agree to keep this information confidential.

Therefore, according to us, it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent or take action in terms of illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical security of any person, violations user conditions, or when the law forces us to.

Non-private information, however, may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

We entrust the processing of personal data to the following entities:

  • 1&1, SARL with a capital of 100,000 euros, whose headquarters are located at 7 place de la Gare, BP 70109, 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex to store data on the server.
  • SendinBlue, SAS with a capital of 220,409 euros, whose headquarters are located at 55 rue d'Amsterdam, 75008 Paris to send our newsletters.

8) Do we use cookies?

Cookies improve access to our website and identify regular visitors. Moreover, cookies improve the user experience by tracking down and targeting their interests. However, such a use of cookies is not linked to any personally identifiable information on our website.

Therefore, cookies allow us to:

  • Ensure the proper functioning of our website
  • Improve the speed and security of website use
  • Improve the feature which are available on our website
  • Use audience analysis and statistics tools
  • Use marketing tools
  • Provide social features

Consent to cookies

When you first visit our website, you will be presented with information on the use of cookies.

Accepting and closing this information means that you have accepted the use of cookies in keeping with the provisions of this privacy policy.

You can always withdraw your consent by deleting cookies and changing the cookie settings in your browser. However, it must be reminded that disabling cookies may trigger difficulty in using our website, but also other websites that use cookies.

Duration of cookies

In keeping with the recommendations of the CNIL, the maximum retention period for cookies is a period of 13 months, right after their first deposit in the User's terminal. This is the duration of the User's consent validity when it comes to using these cookies. The lifespan of cookies is not extended on each visit. The User's consent must be renewed at the end of this period.

Purpose of cookies

Cookies can be used for statistical purposes, mainly to optimize the services which are provided to the User, right from the processing of information concerning the frequency of access, the personalization of pages but also the operations which are carried out and the information that has been consulted.

You are informed when we are likely to place cookies on your terminal. The cookie records information which is related to browsing on the service (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.) that we can read during your future visits.

User right to refuse cookies

You acknowledge that you have been informed that we may use cookies, and you authorize so. If you do not want cookies to be used on your system, most browsers allow you to disable cookies through the settings options. However, you are informed that some services may no longer work properly.